The NC Floodplain Mapping Program

In 1999, Hurricane Floyd flooded thousands of square miles of eastern North Carolina and left thousands of people homeless. This disaster highlighted our vulnerability to natural disasters and the need for accurate, up-to-date floodplain maps.

In 2000, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated North Carolina as a Cooperating Technical State in conjunction with the federal flood map modernization program. As a result, the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program began the task of updating North Carolina's flood hazard data and creating new Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) and Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRM) to identify those areas of the state at risk of flooding.

DFIRMs may be viewed in a variety of formats, including digitally on a computer within a geographic information system (GIS), as raster images in PDF format, or as paper maps. Digital flood maps are composites of base data, topographic data, and flood layers that can be viewed in combination with local parcel information or other data to more easily determine if a house or other property is, or will be, located in a Special Flood Hazard Area or floodway.

Access the NC Floodplain Mapping Program to view fact sheets, Frequently Asked Questions, and information about how map changes affect flood insurance.

Why regulate floodplains?